About ImpactWind Data Portal

The Norwegian Offshore Wind Data Portal is an integral part of the ImpactWind Sørvest project (NRC grant # 332034; 2022.2028), aiming to accelerate the utilization of sustainable offshore wind resources on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Relevant information for siting, planning, installation, and conducting impact assessments for offshore wind farms ranges from national legislation and regulations to multiparameter physical characterization of sites and wind resources, studies of societal and environmental impact, and market information. No single website or data repository presently covers all relevant aspects. Identifying and verifying relevant on-line sources of information therefore poses a not insignificant challenge to planners, costing time and effort.
The Norwegian Offshore Wind Data Portal (work package 2 of the ImpactWind Sørvest Project) addresses this issue by providing a multi-disciplinary, topically organised overview and links to national and international websites, repositories and databases offering information and publications relevant for performing planning and impact assessment for offshore wind installations on the Norwegian continental shelf. The portal also includes links to companies providing services relevant for the offshore wind industry.
Data portal
This portal is free to use, but requires user registration. Click here to sign in or register as a new user
The portal only provides a collection of links to websites containing information relevant for offshore wind. We do not copy, store or mirror data or content from other sites.
Please note that due to the wide range of topics and disciplines related to offshore wind, the list of commercial providers of services and data is not likely to be exhaustive. We encourage users to suggest further relevant websites that can be added by using the feedback tab on our main page.
Privacy and data protection
User data will be handled in accordance with NORCE regulations for privacy and data protection.
Data portal integration
Information can be accessed through the DATA PORTAL and SCIENTIFIC DATABASES AND SEARCH ENGINES tabs on the main page. Data, regulations and service suppliers can be accessed through the former; Scientific and scholarly articles and other relevant publications can be accessed through the latter.
The DATA PORTAL comprises a column of topically organized key words on the lefthand side of the screen and providers of information displayed in the top row.
“Providers” include Norwegian governmental agencies and institutional sites, a selection of relevant international governmental and institutional sites, and commercial and other sites.
Portal navigation
Keyword information about provider websites can be accessed by holding the mouse cursor over the “I” icon in the “Note” row. Left-clicking the providers name in the “Site” row brings up a summary description of the provider (governmental and institutional sites only).
The providers’ home pages can be accessed by left-clicking the link icon in the “Site link” row. Left clicking the link icon in the “Map tool” row gives direct access to map tools hosted by some providers.
For finding specific information, pick a topic/keyword and scroll along the row. Providers of data and/or information on the chosen topic/keyword are indicated with an V along the row. Left-click V to access the link to the site. Note that there can be several data providers for the same keyword, content, or coverage in these may differ.
In some cases, links will lead to sites with map tools where the user will have to browse the map layers menu to find and access the wanted information. The reason for this is that these sites often do not allow direct links to be created for specific keyword. Please also note that for most commercial sites we presently only provide a brief comment on their line of activity (mouse-over the “I” icon) and a link to their homepage.
The SCIENTIFIC DATABASES AND SEARCH ENGINES comprise a list of weblinks to international search engines and repositories of scientific and scholarly publications, as well as links to Norwegian national research archives and institutional repositories hosted by Norwegian academic institutions and research institutes. Relevant information can be accessed using search terms defined by the user.
Most of these sites are open access with respect to conducting searches, but some may require registration or a subscription. Individual documents may be open access or behind paywalls.
Work package leader: Randi Valestrand, Research Leader, NORCE
Portal design, concept, and data compilation: Jan Tveranger , Senior Researcher, NORCE
Web design and technical implementation: Eric Patrick Ford, Senior Researcher, NORCE
Special thanks to our student interns from the Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen assisting the project as part of the GEOV298 Geo Internship course:
Data Compilation: Pauline Krogh Næss, student, UiB
Data Compilation: Kaspar Augland, student UiB
The Portal team aims to maintain and continuously improve the site to ensure its utility for users.
The Norwegian Offshore Wind Data Portal is intended to answer user requirements, we therefore welcome any feedback regarding content and design of the site. Of particular interest are links to web-resources not yet included in the portal.
For comments, feedback, and supplementary sources to include, please contact jatv@norceresearch.no